Puppy Linux Family Tree

If you come to this after reading Puppy Linux history, you are forgiven if you think that Puppy Linux as a nice, linear progression from Series 0.x to Series 6.x.

The reality is nothing like that, though … Below is a simplified diagram that shows Puppy Linux distributions, spread over time.

Puppy Linux family tree image

As you can see, everything is relatively calm and ordered until Woof was introduced at Series 4.x. Until that time, Puppy Linux is a traditional, single distribution like others.

By the completion of 4.x series at version 4.3, however, there was an explosion and Puppy Linux become a family of distributions with multiple official Puppies at the same time.

At the end of Puppy Linux 4.3, Puppy Linux was split into multiple distributions (but still sharing the same principles, built using the same set of tools, and provide consistent features between all of them).


In addition to the “official” puppies, there are also a multitude of unofficial Puppies, built by Puppy enthusiasts. Usually (but not always) made as a remaster, they fill the niche of almost every need. They are usually called as “puplets”.

They are as much a member of Puppy Linux family as the official releases themselves.

Here are some of the more notable puplets, in no particular order:

This is by no means an exhaustive list. If running or even making a puplet is in your interest you should browse ally’s collection or vist the Re-masters area of the Puppy Linux Discussion Forum and the puplets area of the Old Puppy Linux Discussion Forum.

Other notable offshots

These are not considered Puppy Linux per se, but they own their existence to Puppy Linux in one way or another.

Page contributors. Last updated Fri Dec 13 2024.
Page contributors: Puppy Linux Team.

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